Contribution Guide

Thanks for your interest in contributing to Conversational Collective's website! This website, and our Conversation Construction Guide, are a free and open resource for the conversational AI community. This guide will walk you through the process of making a contribution.

If you aren't familiar with git or GitHub, don't worry! The process to submit a change to the text is simple and takes place entirely in your browser.

How to Edit Existing Content

There are two methods for making contributions to the guide. Each will require a free GitHub account. GitHub is a platform for sharing Open Source code. We use GitHub to effectively collaborate on both the code for this website and the text of its pages.

Using the Content Management System (CMS)

Example of using CMS to make a change

Using the CMS is the easiest method for making a change to the site. You can access the CMS at

CMS login screen

From the login screen, click "Login with Netlify Identity". This will present the following login options:

login options

From here, click "Continue with GitHub" to log in with your GitHub account. This will redirect you to the CMS:

CMS content listings

Here you can browse through listings of every page in the website. Clicking on one of the entries will take you to an editing interface with a live preview of the content:

CMS editing interface

From here, you can edit the content of the listing. Clicking the Save button in the top toolbar will suggest your change to our editors, who will review and publish the change.

Using the GitHub Editor

At the bottom of every page in the guide, you'll find a link in the footer that reads "Edit this page in GitHub."

To submit a change to any page on this website via the GitHub Editor, follow these steps:

  1. If you haven't already, begin by creating a free GitHub account.
  2. Click the "Edit this page in GitHub" link in the footer on the page you wish to edit. (You can even use the link on this page. Give it a shot!)
  3. If you haven't already, you'll see a message telling you to fork the repository. This will create your own copy of the guide in your GitHub account. Click the green "Fork this repository" button.
  4. In the new page that opens, you'll see a text editor with the Markdown source code of the page. (Don't let the phrase "source code" intimidate you. It's mostly English prose with a very simple formatting syntax. It's actually easier to use than HTML!) Use the text editor to make your suggested change to the page.
  5. At the bottom of the page, you'll see a header "Propose changes." In the text field(s) underneath this header, describe your proposed change.
  6. Click the green "Propose changes" button.

This will open a pull request against the main repository for the Conversation Construction guide. We'll use this pull request to communicate with you about your proposed change and eventually incorporate it into the live version of the website.